
Габриелян Лилит Сергеевна

к.б.н., доцент


Кандидат биологических наук, доцент кафедры медицинской биохимии и биотехнологии Института биомедицины и фармации Российско-Армянского университета (РАУ)


2000–2003 – ЕГУ, аспирантура на кафедре биофизики биологического факультета ЕГУ
1994–1999 – ЕГУ, студентка отделения биофизики биологического факультета ЕГУ

Преподавательская деятельность:
На биологическом факультете ЕГУ с 2006 по сей день
Бакалавриат: Биохимия биомембран, Биофизическая химия, Микробиология;
Магистратура: Биомембраны в норме и патологии, Структура и функции прокариотических мембран, Биотехнология микроорганизмов, Методы и планирование экспериментов, Биомасса и биоэнергия.
Руководство дипломными работами и магистерскими диссертациями.

Занимаемая должность: Биологический факультет Ереванского государственного университета (ЕГУ)
Доцент кафедры биохимии, микробиологии и биотехнологии.
Председатель конкурсной комиссии ученого совета биологического факультета.

В Институте Биомедицины и Фармации РАУ с 2007 по сей день
Дисциплины: Микробиология, Общая и медицинская биофизика, Биоэнергетика.
Руководство дипломными работами.

Индексы цитирования (05.02.2024): Scopus h-index – 18; Scopus citations – 757;
Google scholar h-index – 19; i10-index – 29; Google scholar citations – 1022.

Профиль ORCID:

Членство в профессиональных организациях:
Член Международной Ассоциации Водородной Энергии (IAHE)
Член Американского Общества Микробиологов (ASM)
Член Федерации Европейского Микробиологического Общества (FEMS)
Член Ассоциации Биофизиков Армении (IUPAB)
Член Федерации Биохимического Общества (FEBS)

2023 по сей день “Support Program for Young Postgraduate and PhD Students” from Higher Education and Science Committee, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports RA, Supervisor (23AA-1F003, PhD student Jemma Manoyan)
2021 по сей день Grant from Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports RA Committee of Science, PI (21T-1F179).
2021-2023 Grant from Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports RA Committee of Science and the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus, PI (21SC-BRFFR-1F012).
2021 “Productive Scientist” grant (21PR-1F0222) from the Science Committee of 3 Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Armenia.
2020 Grant for Productive Scientists from the Science Committee of Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Armenia.
2019 ANSEF 2019 Grant Consultant (NS-Biotechnology-5351)
2018-2020 Grant of Ministry of Education and Science RA State Committee of Science, Researcher (18T-1F045).
2018 Travel grant of Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia Science Committee to attend in the International scientific conference “Molecular, membrane and cellular fundamentals of biosystem operation”, Minsk, Belarus.
2018 Grant for Productive Scientists (Top-100) from the Science Committee of Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia.
2016 Travel grant of Ministry of Education and Science RA State Committee of Science to attend in the International scientific conference “Molecular, membrane and cellular fundamentals of biosystem operation”, Minsk, Belarus.
2015-2017 Grant of Ministry of Education and Science RA State Committee of Science, Researcher (15T-1F123).
2015 Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation grant to attend in the 10th EBSA Congress, Dresden, Germany.
2015 ANSEF
2015 Grant Principal Investigator (NS-Biotechnology-3777).
2015 ANSEF 2015 Grant Consultant (NS-Biotechnology-3921).
2013-2015 Grant of Ministry of Education and Science RA State Committee of Science, Researcher (13-1F002).
2013 Grant for Productive Scientists (Top-100) from the Science Committee of Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia.
2013 Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation grant to attend in the 38th FEBS Congress, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.
2012 ANSEF
2012 Grant Principal Investigator (NS-Biotechnology-2704).
2012 Grant of International Association of Hydrogen Energy (IAHE) to attend in the NATO Advanced Research Workshop “The Black Sea: Strategy for Addressing its Energy Resource Development and Hydrogen Energy Problems”, Batumi, Georgia.
2011–2013 Grant of Ministry of Education and Science RA State Committee of Science, Researcher (11-1f202).
2009 ANSEF 2009 Grant Principal Investigator (NS-Biotechnology-1668).

2019 “Productive Scientist” award (Top-100) from the Science Committee of Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Armenia.
2018 “Productive Scientist” award (Top-100) from the Science Committee of Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia.
2015 Cleantech Armenia National Business Ideas Competition award (UNIDO GEF Global Cleantech Innovation Programme for SMEs in Armenia award).
2013 “Productive Scientist” award (Top-100) from the Science Committee of Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia.
2012 "We Demand Increase in Science Financing" initiative and "Tashir" charitable organization award.
2011 The “Best scientific work” award of World Armenian Congress, The Union of Armenians in Russia and The National Academy of Sciences of Armenia.

Членство в профессиональных организациях:
С 2013-го Член Международной Ассоциации Водородной Энергии (IAHE)
С 2013-го Член Американского Общества Микробиологов (ASM)
С 2011-го Член Федерации Европейского Микробиологического Общества (FEMS)
С 2008-го Член Федерации Биохимического Общества (FEBS)

Научные публикации
Более 50 статей в международных журналах, таких как “International Journal of Hydrogen Energy”, “Biomass & Bioenergy”, “Applied Energy”, “Current Microbiology”, “Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes”, “Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology” и др., и более 80 тезисов научных конференций.

Лабораторный практикум для студентов
Trchounian A., Bagramyan K., Poladyan A., Gabrielyan L. (2012) Biophysics, Biochemistry and Bioenergetics of Biological Membranes. A student laboratory book. Yerevan, 130 p, ISBN: 978-5-8084-1552-2 (in Armenian).

Главы в книгах
1. Hakobyan L., Gabrielyan L. (2024) Phototrophic Microorganisms as the Future of Green Biotechnology. / In Microbial essentialism: An industrial perspective. Raghvendra Pratap Singh, Geetanjali Manchanda, Sreedevi Sarsan, Ajay Kumar, Hovik Panosyan (eds.). Elsevier: Academic Press, pp. 181-205, ISBN: 978-0-443-13932-1.
2. Trchounian A., Gabrielyan L., Mnatsakanyan N. (2018) Nanoparticles of various transition metals and their applications as antimicrobial agents. / In Metal Nanoparticles: Properties, synthesis and applications. Y. Saylor, V. Irby (eds.). Nova Sci. Publ. Inc., New York, pp. 161–210, ISBN: 978-1-53614-115-3.
3. Hakobyan L., Gabrielyan L., Trchounian A. (2013) The effect of various metal ions on bio-hydrogen production and the FoF1-ATPase activity of Rhodobacter sphaeroides. / In Black Sea Energy Resource Development and Hydrogen Energy Problems, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, A. Veziroglu, M. Tsitskishvili (Eds.), Springer 5 (Netherlands), pp. 165–177, Print ISBN: 978-94-007-6151-3; Online ISBN: 978-94-007-6152-0, doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-6152-0_15.

Gabrielyan L., Trchounian A. (2009) Purple bacteria and cyanobacteria as potential producers of molecular hydrogen: An electrochemical and bioenergetic approach. / In Bacterial Membranes: Ultrastructure, Bioelectrochemistry, Bioenergetics and Biophysics. A. Trchounian (ed). Research Signpost: Kerala (India), pp. 233–273, ISBN: 978-81-308-0374-6.

Научные интересы

  • Биоэнергетика, биохимия и биотехнология фототрофных микроорганизмов (производство биоводорода; фотоферментация; регуляция роста микроорганизмов; окислительно-восстановительная регуляция; пурпурные бактерии; зеленые водоросли; цианобактерии);
  • Биофизика и биоэнергетика биологических мембран (трансмембранный перенос ионов, мембранный потенциал, протонодвижущая сила, протонная АТФаза);
  • Нанотехнология (зеленый синтез наночастиц, физико-химические характеристики, антибактериальный потенциал).

Список основных публикаций

  • Manutsyan T, Blbulyan S, Vassilian A, Semashko T, Kirakosyan G, Gabrielyan L, Trchounian K, Poladyan A. (2024) Gold nanoparticles activate hydrogenase synthesis and improve heterotrophic growth of Ralstonia eutropha H16. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 371: fnad138. doi: 10.1093/femsle/fnad138.
  • Harutyunyan A.A., Manoyan J.G., Hambaryan L.R., Gabrielyan L.S. (2023) Effect of various carbon sources on the growth properties and morphology of Spirulina platensis. Proceedings of the Yerevan State University, B: Chemical and Biological Sciences, V. 57, N. 2 (261): 164-171.
  • Hovhannisyan Z., Timotina M., Manoyan J., Gabrielyan L., Petrosyan M., Kusznierewicz B, Bartoszek A, Jacob C., Ginovyan M., Trchounian K., Sahakyan N., Nasim M.J. (2022) Ribes nigrum L. extract-mediated green synthesis of silver nanoparticles and their antibacterial action mechanisms. Antibiotics, 11, 1415.
  • TimotinaM., Aghajanyan A., Schubert R., TrchounianK., Gabrielyan L. (2022) Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using extracts of Stevia rebaudiana and evaluation of antibacterial activity. World J Microbiol Biotechnol 38, 196.
  • Manoyan J., Samovich T., Kozel N., Demidchik V., Gabrielyan L. (2022) Growth characteristics, biohydrogen production and photochemical activity of photosystems in green microalgae Parachlorella kessleri exposed to nitrogen deprivation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47 (38), 16815-16823,
  • Manoyan J.G., Gabrielyan L.S. (2021) The ethanol industry waste as a valuable feedstock for hydrogen photoproduction by green algae Chlorella vulgaris. Proceedings of Yerevan State University, B: Chemical and Biological Sciences 55, 3 (256): 232-239.
  • Gevorgyan S., Schubert R., Yeranosyan M., Gabrielyan L., Trchounian A., Lorenzen K., Trchounian K. (2021) Antibacterial Activity of Royal Jelly-mediated Green Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles. AMB Express, 11, 51,
  • Hakobyan L., Gabrielyan L., Blbulyan S., Trchounian A. (2021) The prospects of brewery waste application in biohydrogen production by photofermentation of Rhodobacter sphaeroides. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, V. 46, pp. 289-296,
  • Gabrielyan LS. (2021) The prospects of alcohol industry wastes application in photoproduction of hydrogen by the purple bacteria Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Biology, 1, pp. 70-77 (in Russian).
  • Manoyan J., Gabrielyan L., Kalantaryan V., Trchounian A. (2020) Growth properties and hydrogen yield in green microalga Parachlorella kessleri: Effects of low-intensity electromagnetic irradiation at the frequencies of 51.8 GHz and 53.0 GHz. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 211, 112016,
  • Gabrielyan L., Badalyan H., Gevorgyan V., Trchounian A. (2020) Comparable antibacterial effects and action mechanisms of silver and iron oxide nanoparticles on Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. Sci. Rep. 10, 13145,
  • Aghajanyan A., Gabrielyan L., Schubert R., Trchounian A. (2020) Silver ion bioreduction in nanoparticles using Artemisia annua L. extract: characterization and application as antibacterial agents. AMB Express, 10, 66,
  • Gabrielyan L., Trchounian A. (2019) Antibacterial activities of transient metals nanoparticles and membranous mechanisms of action. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 35, 162.
  • Manoyan J., Gabrielyan L., Kozel N., Trchounian A. (2019) Regulation of biohydrogen production by protonophores in novel green microalgae Parachlorella kessleri. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 199, 111597.
  • Harutyunyan A.A., Timotina M.I., Gabrielyan L.S., Rshtuni L.R., Trchounian A.H. (2019) Antibacterial effect of iron oxide nanoparticles on antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli strain. Vestnik RAU (Herald of RAU), 1, pp. 81–91 (in Russian).
  • Kozel N.V., Radyuk M.S., Samovich T.V., Dremuk I.A., Gabrielyan L.S. (2019) Protein accumulation and expression of the nitrate reductase gene in Spirulina platensis cells depending on the spectral composition of LED illumination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Biological series, V. 64 (2), pp. 180–189 (in Russian),
  • Gabrielyan L. (2019) Fe(II) and Mg(II) ions combination as an approach for increasing yield of biohydrogen in Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Biol. J. Armenia, 1 (71), pp. 60–66 (in Russian), ISSN 0366-5119.
  • Gabrielyan L., Hakobyan L., Hovhannisyan A., Trchounian A. (2019) Effects of iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles on Escherichia coli antibiotic-resistant strains. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 126, pp. 1108-1116, doi: 10.1111/jam.14214.
  • Gabrielyan L., Hovhannisyan A., Gevorgyan V., Ananyan M., Trchounian A. (2019) Antibacterial effects of iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles: distinguishing concentration-dependent effects with different bacterial cells growth and membrane-associated mechanisms. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 103, pp. 2773-2782,
  • Hakobyan L., Gabrielyan L., Trchounian A. (2019) Biohydrogen by Rhodobacter sphaeroides during photo-fermentation: mixed vs. sole carbon sources enhance bacterial growth and H2 production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,, V. 44 (2), pp. 674–679.
