Գիտական աստիճան՝ կ.գ.թ.
Բարձրագույն կրթություն, ՀՌՀ
Աշխատանքային փորձ՝ 14 տարի
Մասնագիտացում` Կառուցվածքային կենսաինֆորմատիկա
Դասավանդվող առարկաներ՝ կենսապոլիմերների կառուցվածքային անոտացիա, կենսապոլիմերների ֆունկցիոնալ անոտացիա, մոլեկուլային մոդելավորում, դեղերի դիզայն:
Մրցանակներ, դրամաշնորհներ
2021 In silico screening and de novo design of the 14-3-3 proteins interaction network modulators: newopportunities for drug discovery in cancer, autoinflammatory and viral
Role in project: Co-Principal Investigator
Grant of the State Committee of Science of the Republic of Armenia (21AG-1F057)
2019 In silico study of the pyrin inflammasome macromolecular complex formation.
HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access programme funded by European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme (HPC17M0PAK).
Centre for Computational Science, Department of Chemistry, University College London, London, UK
2019 In silico screening of complexation modulators of pyrin, caspase-1 and pro-IL-1β.
Role in project: Principle investigator
Grant of the State Committee of Science of the Republic of Armenia (19YR-1F072)
2018 In silico study of the pyrin inflammasome macromolecular complex formation.
Role in project: Principle investigator
Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
2016 Nuclear and mitochondrial genetic variants and molecular bases of mitochondrial OXPHOS diseases
Role in project: Individual Participant
Grant of the International Science And Technology Center (A-2151)
2013 De Novo modeling of pyrin tertiary structure and its interaction dynamic with apoptosis proteins
Role in project: Principle investigator
Grant of the State Committee of Science of the Republic of Armenia (13A-1f43)
Գիտական հետաքրքրություններ
- Կառուցվածքային կենսաինֆորմատիկա
- Սպիտակուցների կառուցվածքի մոդելավորում
- Մոլեկուլային դինամիկա
- Դեղերի դիզայն
Հրապարակումների ցուցակ
- S. Sirakanyan, E. Arabyan, A. Hakobyan, T. Hakobyan, G. Chilingaryan, H. Sahakyan, A. Sargsyan, G. Arakelov, K. Nazaryan, R. Izmailyan and L. Abroyan, 2021. A new microtubule-stabilizing agent shows potent antiviral effects against African swine fever virus with no cytotoxicity. // Emerging Microbes & Infections, 10(1), pp.783-796.
- M. Al-Sanea, G. Chilingaryan, N. Abelyan, G. Arakelov, H. Sahakyan, V. Arakelov, K. Nazaryan, S. Hussein, G. Alazmi, H. Alsharari, and W. Al-Faraj, 2021. Identification of non-classical hCA XII inhibitors using combination of computational approaches for drug design and discovery. // Scientific Reports, 11(1), pp.1-11.
- H. Sahakyan, N. Abelyan, V. Arakelov, G. Arakelov, K. Nazaryan, 2019. In silico study of colchicine resistance molecular mechanisms caused by tubulin structural polymorphism. // PloS one, 14(8), p.e0221532.
- G. Arakelov, V. Arakelov, K. Nazaryan. Complex formation dynamics of native and mutated pyrin's B30.2 domain with caspase‐1. // Proteins, Volume 86, Issue 6, pp. 676–683, 2018.
- E. Arabyan, A. Hakobyan, A. Kotsinyan, Z. Karalyan, V. Arakelov, G. Arakelov, K. Nazaryan, A. Simonyan, R. Aroutiounian, F. Ferreira, H. Zakaryan. Genistein inhibits African swine fever virus replication in vitro by disrupting viral DNA synthesis. // Antiviral Research, Vol. 156, pp. 128–137, 2018.
- H.K. Sahakyan, G.G. Arakelov, K.B. Nazaryan. In silico Search for Tubulin Polymerization Inhibitors. // Molecular Biology, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 604–608, 2018.
- D.M. Rowczenio, H. Trojer, E. Omoyinmi, J.I. Aróstegui, G. Arakelov, A. Mensa-Vilaro, A. Baginska, C.S. Pilorz, G. Wang, T. Lane, P. Brogan, P.N. Hawkins, H.J. Lachmann. Brief Report: Association of Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor–Associated Periodic Syndrome With Gonosomal Mosaicism of a Novel 24-Nucleotide TNFRSF1A Deletion. // Arthritis & Rheumatology, Volume 68, Issue 8, pp. 2044–2049, 2016.
- H.K. Sahakyan, G.G. Arakelov, K.B. Nazaryan. Effect of mutations and phosphorylation on pyrin structure. Biological Journal of Armenia, Volume 68, Issue 3, pp. 76-80, 2016.
- G. Arakelov, O.V. Osipov, K.B. Nazaryan. Effects of M680I and M694V pyrin mutations on the tertiary structure of domain B30.2 and its interaction with caspase-1: In silico analysis. // Molecular Biology, Volume 49 Issue 5, pp. 736-741, 2015.
- . Arakelov, K. Nazaryan. Molecular modeling of complete tertiary structure of pyrin and influence of mutations on it. 8th International Congress of Familial Mediterranean Fever and Systemic Autoinflammatory Diseases. Dresden, Germany, 30 September - 3 October 2015. // Pediatric Rheumatology 2015, 13(Suppl 1):O14.
- G.G. Arakelov. Influence of the mutation on the stability of pyrin protein and development of Familial Mediterranean Fever. // Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 220 – 225, 2015.
- K. Nazaryan, G. Arakelov. Mutations in PB30.2D and complexing with Caspase-1. // 7th Congress of ISSAID, International Society of Systemic Auto-Inflammatory Diseases, Lausanne, Switzerland, May 22-26, PW01-035, Pediatric Rheumatology 2013, 11(Suppl 1):A88
- G.G. Arakelov, S.G. Jahangiryan, K.B. Nazaryan. Influence of M694I, K695R, V744S mutations on B30.2 tertiary structure and it’s interaction with caspase-1. // Biological Journal of Armenia, Volume LXV, Supplement 1, Yerevan, pp. 33-34, 2013.
- G.G. Arakelov, S.G. Jahangiryan, K.B. Nazaryan. Molecular modeling of the pyrin domains structure and their interaction dynamics with apoptosis proteins. // Vestnik RAU, №2, RAU, Yerevan, pp. 49-54, 2012.